Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Priley Riley, The heart, 16th- 21st May 2014

I finished my first year at university last Friday (the 16th), and since then I have been studying lamb hearts as I found the lamb heart an interesting addition to the ice sculpture I made. I have done a variety of work on the heart on A5 paper and have shown a few of the more interesting or successful bits above. I started off with an ink drawing (top photo), I then did prints using the heart, followed by painting the heart using real blood from it (second photo), painting a background using blood and painting a heart over this in acrylic paint (third photo), painting a blood background and doing an ink drawing over this, researching the different parts of the heart and drawing & labelling the outside of it using ink (fourth photo), and dissecting the heart for a labelled ink drawing of its inside (bottom photo). Some were done from life and others from photos that I took. I had 3 different lamb hearts to work from and I studied the front and back of them so that the hearts don’t all look the same in my work.

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